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News and happenings from the Porch: Join us for a Generative Weekend!

Dear PorchLighters,

The Writing Garden project continues this weekend with a planting and generative writing session led by Tricia Windschitl of the Lena Project, a local environmental organization. We will plant some native friends, and Tricia will offer a writing prompt designed for all ages. This one is a family friendly experience. Find more information here.

Sunday night join us for The Free Gen: Iowa City's Original Generative Writing Workshop, co-organized by Iowa City Poetry. This month we welcome the multi-talented artist, dancer, and writer Leslie Pyo as our leader. This is a great place to start something new, re-frame something old, or just meet and hang with other writers. RSVP here.

End of the Month:

Join us once again on the Roof at Market House for our penultimate Rooftop Reading. In our passion for building interdisciplinary connections, or just mixing things up, these readings showcase singer-songwriters, poets, and prose writers. This month's reading will feature author Lyz Lenz, poet Margaret Yapp, and musician Brian Johanesen. Tickets cover your drinks, and help us cover our year-round free programming costs. Get your tickets here.

Finally, on Saturday the 31st we welcome back the Long Project Check-in. So get those manuscripts out and join us for a round of progress reporting, goal setting, or process talk. We want to hear about what you've been up to!

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